Peningkatan Attachment Melalui Tagline Enhancement
Automotive Industry

Boosting Attachment Through Tagline Enhancement.

Rising Issue: With over four decades of serving customers, our client is working to realign their brand to better match the company’s vision and mission. This brand refresh aims to enhance resonance and relevance in the market.

Collaboration Objective: To create a new tagline for our client that emphasizes timelessness and relevance across various customer segments. The goal is to craft a tagline that resonates deeply and stands the test of time, appealing to a wide range of customers.

What We Do: We empower our client to establish a deep and meaningful connection between the brand and its customers, focusing on leveraging emotional resonance embedded in the tagline and brand positioning to foster unity, pride, and loyalty among the motorcycle customer base.

Strategic Impact: Over the years and amidst changes in the market landscape, the tagline we recommended has remained highly relevant to customers. It continues to resonate deeply with their emotional desires, forging lasting connections throughout the motorcycle purchasing journey.

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