Meningkatkan Kinerja Tenaga Penjualan Melalui Evaluasi Remunerasi

Intensify Salesforce Performance Through Remuneration Evaluation.

Rising Issue: Our client is facing challenges with the performance inconsistency of their sales force across their distributor network throughout Indonesia. This inconsistency leads to performance gaps between regions and highly fluctuating sales performance.

Collaboration Objective: This study aims to uncover the underlying factors contributing to the sales force performance gap and develop strategies for compensating and rewarding sales representatives. The strategy is designed to motivate underperforming sales personnel while recognizing and incentivizing the efforts of high-performing sales representatives, ultimately improving overall sales effectiveness.

What We Do: In this effort, we adopt a comprehensive approach by combining top-down and bottom-up methodologies. This ensures alignment between management expectations and the sales force, fostering mutual satisfaction. Additionally, we identify blind spots that may hinder sales performance, which are often unknown to the sales force itself. Through this holistic analysis, we aim to bridge gaps, optimize performance, and create a conducive environment for sustainable sales growth.

Strategic Impact: Our new sales compensation and remuneration strategy was widely accepted by both top management and the sales force due to performance-based metrics, which provide reasonable objectivity and ensure fair evaluation for sales representatives. This innovative strategy has proven to be a significant contributor to unexpected performance improvements in the following year, with profits nearly tripling the target.

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