Menetapkan Target Penjualan Regional yang Sesuai

Setting Appropriate Regional Sales Targets.

Rising Issue: Our client, with an extensive branch network across the country, faces challenges in meeting sales expectations due to the varied market conditions across different geographic regions.

Collaboration Objective: We were tasked with developing a mathematical model that allows our client to factor in the diverse elements influencing pawn sales performance each year. The goal of the model is to enhance the accuracy of setting annual sales expectations, taking into account the various dynamics affecting performance.

What We Do: We uncovered in-depth information about the factors affecting the various potential markets for the pawn business across different regions, and thus helped the client establish unique, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely sales targets for each regional office.

Strategic Impact: Our calculations for geographically specific sales targets have boosted optimism and enthusiasm within the client’s branch offices. With targets that are neither too high nor too low, the balanced approach has led to improved performance and more accurate revenue expectations.

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