Mematahkan Stereotip Terkait Pendidikan Kejuruan

Breaking Stereotypes in Vocational Education.

Rising Issue: As a leading corporate group, our client has significant growth potential. However, they are currently facing challenges in leveraging their prominent name to increase interest in their vocational education programs.

Collaboration Objective: This collaborative effort focuses on helping our client understand the existing perceptions surrounding vocational education. At the same time, we aim to formulate a strategy that effectively utilizes their corporate group’s reputation to significantly increase student enrollment in vocational programs.

What We Do: In this collaborative project, our approach involves comprehensive interviews with various stakeholders, including prospective students, parents, employers, and internal stakeholders. This thorough process aims to understand and integrate diverse perspectives from all parties involved in shaping the reputation of vocational education.

Strategic Impact: After our extensive exploration, our client experienced a significant transformation, culminating in the launch of a new name and logo that effectively represents the values we recommended. Additionally, they strengthened the integration between vocational education and the real-world work ecosystem, enhancing brand credibility and trust among prospective students and employers. This strategic shift positions our client for greater success in attracting and retaining students while fostering stronger partnerships within the industry.

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