Mengatasi Stagnasi Pasar Melalui Inovasi

Overcoming Market Stagnation Through Innovation.

Rising Issue: Our client, a prestigious educational institution offering comprehensive programs from preschool to high school, faces challenges in student enrollment. Additionally, there is a noticeable decline in the progression of students to higher education levels, presenting obstacles to sustainable growth and academic continuity.

Collaboration Objective: The goal of this collaboration is to help our client assess their innovative concepts for academic and non-academic improvements, ensuring that these concepts resonate effectively with the expectations of their target demographic.

What We Do: In this collaboration, we initially prioritized specific educational levels as the main focus for our client. We then presented various academic and non-academic programs to the client’s target demographic and assessed their reactions. We studied and explored the gaps between these offerings and the existing educational programs.

Strategic Impact: As recommended, our client launched transformative educational programs tailored to address the concerns of their high-end clientele. By emphasizing facilities and interactive learning approaches, they have successfully regained their footing in the high-end education industry.

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