Mengembangkan Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran
Food & Beverages

Developing a Marketing Communication Strategy.

Rising Issue: Our client, a leading player in the packaged coffee industry, finds itself in the midst of market saturation and intense price wars. Realizing the need for a new approach, they aim to engage customers who prioritize factors beyond price.

Collaboration Objective: In this collaboration, our goal is to design a captivating new tagline that resonates with our client’s audience and effectively communicates their brand message. Additionally, we are expected to create a comprehensive roadmap outlining the strategic steps to ensure the successful integration of the tagline into the market, driving deeper engagement beyond price considerations.

What We Do: Our collaboration involved crafting a robust strategy and a comprehensive marketing communication roadmap. This includes defining specific marketing communication objectives, identifying optimal channels, and designing the right communication programs. We also established evaluation mechanisms to measure the effectiveness and success of our initiatives.

Strategic Impact: The one-year marketing communication roadmap we carefully crafted played a crucial role in driving our client towards success and achieving significant breakthroughs. The proposed tagline, now seamlessly integrated into their brand identity, continues to be embraced by millions of customers, inspiring engagement and long-term loyalty.

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