Mengevaluasi Pengadopsian Teknologi Perawatan Kesehatan
IT, Software & Technology

Evaluating Healthcare Technology Adoption.

Rising Issue: Our client, a producer of healthcare hardware and software, continues to develop their healthcare technologies. However, they face uncertainty regarding the readiness of local hospitals to adopt these innovations, thus assessing the need for market assessment and strategic alignment.

Collaboration Objective: The goal of this project is to evaluate the implementation of technology in local hospitals, while measuring their readiness and perception of the new technologies offered by our client.

What We Do: During this collaborative effort, we engaged in comprehensive discussions with stakeholders, including leading hospital networks in Indonesia, major local hospitals, and regulators. Through these interactions, we aimed to estimate market readiness for adopting the new technologies.

Strategic Impact: This project enabled our client to differentiate the most relevant healthcare technology solutions for the market, aligning their priorities with our recommendations. After two years, they gained recognition not only from key stakeholders but also from the mass market. This was achieved through collaboration with international software companies to develop integrated software solutions, further strengthening their presence.

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