Rising Issue: As a large country with numerous ministries, agencies, and regional governments, there is disparity in anti-corruption initiatives and policies. This diversity has led to varying levels of anti-corruption efforts across different regions. Addressing this issue requires a coordinated effort to standardize and strengthen anti-corruption measures nationally.
Collaboration Objective: This project aims to comprehensively assess the anti-corruption initiatives and policies across all ministries, agencies, and regional governments. Through indexing and strategic recommendations, the project is expected to systematically reduce corruption levels and standardize anti-corruption program standards nationally.
What We Do: We collaborate with the client to gather experiences, opinions, and feedback from the public and stakeholders regarding government integrity and anti-corruption behavior. To generate actionable proposals, we summarize these findings into several concrete action directions and prioritize improvements for each institution.
Strategic Impact: The project resulted in enhanced anti-corruption initiatives and policies across various institutions. The developed index not only serves as a benchmark for improvements but also optimizes law enforcement with enhanced monitoring, targeting institutions with lower anti-corruption indices. This strategic approach contributes to creating a more accountable and corruption-free environment.