Strategic Planning.
Establishing the organization’s short-term and long-term goals by evaluating internal and external environments. This involves formulating effective strategies to achieve sustainable success and competitive advantage, aligned with the company’s overarching vision and strategic direction for sustainable growth and market leadership.
What we do:
- Scanning Current Conditions: Conducting a comprehensive review and analysis of current internal and external factors impacting the organization. This process includes assessing elements such as organizational strengths and weaknesses, market trends, competition, regulatory factors, and technological advancements to gain a holistic understanding of the business landscape and inform strategic decision-making.
- Formulate Strategic Options: Evaluating and designing alternative actions the organization can take to achieve its long-term goals. This requires considering factors such as risks, opportunities, and available resources to ensure that strategic decisions are well-informed and aligned with the organization’s overall vision and objectives.
Our Work:
- Assisting an Indonesian oil company in planning its long-term business strategy. The strategy formulation process included analyzing internal and external situations, evaluating all strategic alternatives, and drafting a long-term plan to achieve the company’s future vision.
- Supporting a national banking company in Indonesia in planning its long-term service strategy. The strategy formulation process involved analyzing internal conditions, evaluating various strategic options, and formulating quic